Advanced Product Solutions

Double-Row Tapered
Roller Bearings

Engineered to withstand heavy loads such as those prevalent in rolling mill, gearbox and hoist applications, NSK offers double-row tapered roller bearings in various TDI and TDO configurations. In varying degrees depending on design type, they can accommodate high radial loads and axial loads in both directions and have excellent rigidity.


Design Types

design types infographic

Design Features

arrow-right-red Double-row tapered roller bearing with cup / cone assemblies in various configurations:

arrow-right-red double cup with two cone assemblies and cone spacer
arrow-right-red double cone assembly with two cups and a cup spacer
arrow-right-red double cup and double cone assembly
arrow-right-red Lubrication groove and holes in cups or cup spacers, depending on design type
arrow-right-red Available with steep angle design for accommodating applications where axial loads exceed radial loads, or when only axial loads exist
arrow-right-red With high accuracy and high strength pressed steel cage
arrow-right-red Available in inch and metric design types